GGI newsletter

GGI Newsletter 2: Cricket Australia, the Royal Commission on Aged Care and why every organisation needs to take notice

With so much attention focused on the financial sector in 2018, it can be tempting for other organisations – particularly NFPs – to think they’re immune because they’re on higher moral ground and will escape treatment. This is not the case.
Let’s look at what’s happening with Cricket Australia, the Royal Commission into Aged Care, and examine what the impact will be for other organisations.



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GGI’s purpose: To ensure all businesses, regardless of size or financial ability, have access to leading corporate governance resources to support and enhance their performance. GGI’s purpose is to ensure that all businesses, regardless of size or financial ability, have access to leading corporate governance resources to support and enhance their performance.


Media enquiries:

Janine Sherringham
Head of Communications


Customer enquiries:

GGI Head Office
(02) 91919848


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