Corporate governance services accessible for all

GGI not only provides accessible corporate governance training, it also provides a full service corporate governance advisory service. GGI is one of the only corporate governance advisory organisations that balances and integrates your training and corporate governance needs.

Whether it is the renewal of your existing governance framework or key governance group; development of the governance framework; or a governance health check, GGI has the team that can help you solve these issues.


Purpose of GGI

Corporate Governance Advisory Services

Through our affiliates we also provide a full corporate governance advisory service.

Custom Solutions


We work in partnership creating custom solutions with you to;

  • Ensure clarity and alignment on purpose and direction
  • Audit structure and function of board process including committee structures, meetings and reporting. Board Papers, Minutes and meeting structure
  • Focus on behaviour of directors and senior management team
  • Identify gaps in capability and develop appropriate corporate governance training plans

Board and CEO Renewal

Fresh thinking and skills are vital for organisations to maintain an edge in a highly competitive environment.

Board vacancies should be viewed as a renewal; there should be shared expectations of the leadership team and integrated into a Board’s values and practices.

We work in partnership with you identify:

  • Future trends
  • Emerging capability requirements
  • Experience
  • Behaviour
  • An effective renewal and succession planning structure and time frame

Our holistic approach considers the evolving future needs of the company and professional development of its non-executive directors.

Strategy and Risk Development

Your strategic sweet spot is that space in which you can satisfy customer needs better, cheaper or differently from your competitors and that we can help you to identify, create or leverage through enhanced leadership and corporate governance. We work in partnership with you to identify and operationalise your corporate strategy. We look at risk and strategy employing entrepreneurial insights to develop your corporate strategy.   We employ a range of planning models based on your needs.

Board performance evaluations

We will work with the Board to implement a review against agreed directorship principles to ensure:

For the Chair

  • The promise of the board and company remaining aligned
  • The functions of directorship are being effectively managed by the leadership team and guided by the Chair
  • A high-performing directorship team has been appointed, trained and is well supported by the Chair
  • Relationships between fellow directors and the extended management team are robust
  • The improvement program is effectively implemented

For Directors

  • Alignment with strategy and risk appetite
  • Contribution to the work of the board in the 4 functions
  • Adaptive behaviour according to function in relations with peers and management
  • Continuous development and succession planning

We also examine the capabilities, accountabilities and behaviours that underpin the complex dance between directors and management.  Creating clear structures and processes for decision making and information flow that suit the organisation’s culture creates synergy – the mark of a truly high performing team.

Board Review

Legal requirements aside, there is no ‘right’ corporate governance structure.

The most effective corporate governance structures and practices depend on many factors including the maturity of the company, the sector it is in and its current purpose.

Our Governance Review is designed to match the structure of the organisation with its purpose and covers:

  • Legal requirements
  • Stakeholder inclusion/exclusion
  • Foundational structure and practices
  • Governance documents and Charters

Other Services


  • Board interviews including Exit interviews
  • Board Planning Days
  • Board Strategy Workshops
  • Board/Management Focus Groups
  • Developing Board Charters
  • Protocol/Behavioural advice
  • Preparing Board Plans
  • Exit Interviews
Unlimited access


Board and CEO Succession


Learn anywhere


Develop your strategic approach or add the Governance tools you need

Governance for everyone


Review your governance approach, governance performance, board performance or key stakeholders

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