Governance for the Greater Good
At every turn, a conscious board considers:
- Stakeholders
- The community
- The environment
- Future ramifications
You’ve just reviewed five case studies that highlight how the governance model is evolving in complexity.

The next chapter for governance
We’re entering an exciting ‘next chapter’ for corporate governance and witnessing a growing trend that current and aspiring directors need to keep pace with.

Governance matters to everyone, every day
Everyone has a bank account, a pension fund, uses hospitals or medical services, holds insurance and depends on community services providing water, waste treatment and electricity.
Society relies on the successful coordination of a range of activities undertaken by different kinds of organisations. These range from:
financial operations, like supermarkets…
community activities run by not-for-profits…
through to health services operated by government boards.
No matter the type of organisation or the product or service offered, somewhere along the way:
Corporate behaviour in the headlines
The Royal Commission into banking in Australia clearly illustrates the fallout caused by a disconnect between corporate behaviour and community expectation.
While many cases highlight the unscrupulous actions of the big four banks, countless others showed that, while acting within their rights, the banks encountered community anger for ‘not doing the right thing’ according to their own judgements on ethical conduct.
An ocean of information
Through social media communities, cases of unfair treatment that may previously remained isolated and unheard can now join to create a powerful wave of awareness that demands greater board accountability.
You can either stay inside and ignore the growing tide, or you can open the door and be part of the conversation.
It’s the difference between good and great
And it’s for everyone:
- Committee members
- Directors
- CEOs
- Company secretaries
- Managers
- Staff, volunteers
- Members
- Shareholders
- Customers
- Auditors
- Regulators
- Educators
- Advisers

A common understanding among stakeholders of the drivers, expectations, values and priorities of an organisation is steering greater levels of transparency now than ever before.
Shaping the now, shaping the future.
Continuing your governance education by keeping pace with leading practices and trends gives you the power to make a difference. In addition to being advantageous to your career, it gives you the opportunity to become part of a movement that contributes to the greater good of society.
Congratulations on starting your governance journey with us – welcome aboard! It’s going to be a great ride…
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