Governance Training

Purpose of GGI

Purchase Corporate Governance Training for Individuals or Businesses

At Global Governance Initiative (GGI), our goal is no less ambitious than reshaping the world of corporate governance training. Smart governance strategies are at the foundation of every successful business or organisation. They preserve the interests of stakeholders, give the organisation’s objectives and goals a clear framework, drive smart management, enable growth and help assure regulatory compliance. We want every organisation, big and small, to have access to the finest governance training and tools. Through our Governex platform, we are doing our part to provide that access.

What You Can Expect from GGI Regarding Governance Training

At GGI, our corporate governance training program takes the form of Governex, which is a collection of six different courses. Here’s what to expect if you choose to purchase the Governex corporate governance training courses for yourself or your organisation:

The Initiative

A comprehensive approach: Corporate governance is a complex concept—one that spans everything from purpose and goal setting to meeting societal and market expectations. We respect this complexity, which is why we have designed Governex as a six-part program. Our six courses are not intended as a pick-and-choose option. Instead, we have carefully designed this program as a six-part curriculum. For the most comprehensive corporate governance crash course possible, work through the six courses in order. Those courses are: Purpose and Culture; Integrity; Entrepreneurship; Prosperity; Society; Succeed. Click here to view outlines for each course.

The Initiative

An engaging curriculum: The key to fostering learning and information retention is engagement. Teachers have been saying for many years that getting their students genuinely invested in the subject matter is the best way to trigger true learning. We took this lesson to heart when designing and writing our governance courses, using storytelling to bring learners into the curriculum and get them invested in mastering the concepts..

The Initiative

A fair, affordable price: Our goal with splitting Governex into six courses was to teach the lessons of corporate governance the way we believe they should be taught. It was not to nickel-and-dime our customers by giving ourselves the chance to charge them six times over. For this reason, we sell all our courses as a bundle for just $710. If you are buying the courses for your full team and have more than five participants, we can bring this price down even further.

The Benefits of Governex Corporate Governance Training

In addition to its carefully structured curriculum and deliberate course writing approach, Governex is an ideal governance training module for several significant reasons. These include:

  • Training geared towards everyone: Too many corporate governance course designs are geared exclusively towards executives or members of the board of directors. In truth, governance teams at most organisations are larger and span more of the enterprise. From the language we used for the Governex courses to the practice and outcome-focused approach, we wanted GGI’s governance training to be universal and suitable for everyone who might play a role in the governance equation.
  • Easy access: We understand that everyone is busy and that finding time to sit your entire team down for a governance course isn’t easy. As such, we created Governex to be as accessible and convenient as possible. All six courses are 100 percent available online and workable from any device. This factor continues to be beneficial even after you have worked through the course. You can still access Governex after the fact, to the point where many of our customers have continued to use Governex as a pocket governance tool on their smartphones.

About GGI

At GGI, we have spent more than two years building Governex into what we think is the ultimate online corporate governance training tool in Australia and New Zealand. We proudly launched our organisation and our curriculum in January 2019 and have already earned a bevy of terrific feedback from our customers. If you are looking for a corporate governance training strategy for your organisation, look no further than GGI and Governex. Contact us today to learn more.

A new approach to governance

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The GGI Corporate Governance Team

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